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Lisp/Scheme | 1994-05-28 | 4.6 KB | 121 lines | [TEXT/xlsp] |
- ;Title: step.lsp
- ;Author: Jonathan Engdahl (jengdahl on BIX)
- ;Date: Jan-25-1987
- ;This file contains a simple Lisp single-step debugger. It
- ;started as an implementation of the "hook" example in chapter 20
- ;of Steele's "Common Lisp". This version was brought up on Xlisp 1.7
- ;for the Amiga, and then on VAXLISP.
- ;To invoke: (step (whatever-form with args))
- ;For each list (interpreted function call), the stepper prints the
- ;environment and the list, then enters a read-eval-print loop
- ;At this point the available commands are:
- ; (a list)<CR> - evaluate the list in the current environment,
- ; print the result, and repeat.
- ; <CR> - step into the called function
- ; anything_else<CR> - step over the called function.
- ;If the stepper comes to a form that is not a list it prints the form
- ;and the value, and continues on without stopping.
- ;Note that stepper commands are executed in the current environment.
- ;Since this is the case, the stepper commands can change the current
- ;environment. For example, a SETF will change an environment variable
- ;and thus can alter the course of execution.
- #+:packages
- (unless (find-package "TOOLS")
- (make-package "TOOLS" :use '("XLISP")))
- (in-package "TOOLS")
- (export '(step))
- ;set the representation for an input #/newline
- ;the value, notation, and data type of newline may be implementation dependent
- (setf newline #\newline) ;for XLISP
- ;(setf newline 10) ;for VAXLISP
- ;define a C-like iterator.
- (defmacro while (test &rest forms) `(do () ((not ,test)) ,@forms))
- ;create the nesting level counter.
- (defparameter *hooklevel* 0)
- ;this macro invokes the stepper.
- ;for VAXLISP you better rename this to xstep or something, lest
- ;defun say nasty things to you about step already being defined
- (defmacro step (form &aux val)
- `(progn
- (step-flush) ;get rid of garbage on the line
- (setf *hooklevel* 0) ;init nesting counter
- (princ *hooklevel*) ;print the form
- (princ " form: ")
- (prin1 ',form)
- (terpri)
- (setf val (evalhook ',form ;eval, and kick off stepper
- #'eval-hook-function
- nil
- nil))
- (princ *hooklevel*) ;print returned value
- (princ " value: ")
- (prin1 val)
- (terpri)
- val)) ;and return it
- ;this is the substitute "eval" routine that gets control when
- ;a user form is evaluated during stepping.
- (defun eval-hook-function (form env &aux val f1)
- (setf *hooklevel* (+ *hooklevel* 1)) ;inc the nesting level
- (cond ((consp form) ;if interpreted function
- (step-spaces *hooklevel*) ;print the environment
- (princ *hooklevel*)
- (princ " env: ")
- (prin1 env)
- (terpri)
- (step-spaces *hooklevel*) ;then the form
- (princ *hooklevel*)
- (princ " form: ")
- (prin1 form)
- (princ " ")
- (while (eql (peek-char) #\( ) ;while a form is typed
- (setf f1 (read)) ;read a form
- (step-flush) ;get rid of junk
- (step-spaces *hooklevel*) ;print out result
- (princ *hooklevel*)
- (princ " result: ") ;which is evaled in env
- (prin1 (evalhook f1 nil nil env))
- (princ " "))
- (cond ((eql (read-char) newline) ;if <cr> then step into
- (setf val (evalhook form
- #'eval-hook-function
- nil
- env)))
- (t (step-flush) ;else step over
- (setf val (evalhook form nil nil env)))))
- (t (step-spaces *hooklevel*) ;if not interpreted func
- (princ *hooklevel*) ;print the form
- (princ " form: ")
- (prin1 form)
- (terpri)
- (setf val (evalhook form nil nil env)))) ;eval it
- (step-spaces *hooklevel*) ;in either case
- (princ *hooklevel*) ;print the result
- (princ " value: ")
- (prin1 val)
- (terpri)
- (setf *hooklevel* (- *hooklevel* 1)) ;decrement level
- val) ;and return the value
- ;a non-recursive fn to print spaces (not as elegant, easier on the gc)
- (defun step-spaces (n) (while (> n 0) (princ " ") (setf n (- n 1))))
- ;and one to clear the input buffer
- (defun step-flush () (while (not (eql (read-char) newline))))